Rhenish carnival on Sunday - East Belgium Go to content

Rhenish carnival on Sunday

Rhenish carnival on Sunday

Decorated floats, groups of people on foot and musicians parade through the villages before they join up and celebrate.

Date & time

From 12:00 to 00:00


East Belgium

T. +32(0)80 330250 S. www.ostbelgien.eu


Children:  free
Teenagers:  free
Adults:  free

Rhenish carnival is about leaving the winter behind and enjoying life one more time before Lent with dance and fun. For example, the typical Rhenish carnival, with carnival princes, carnival processions and fancy-dress parties is also to be found in the German-language communities of East Belgium.

  • Raeren (12:00, departure: Roetgener Str.), about 50 groups
  • Carnival parade for Kids in Eupen (Departure 14:30), about 20 groups
  • St. Vith (Departure 14:30), about 40 groups 
  • Deidenberg (Departure 14:00), about 25 groups