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Some planning tools for exploring East Belgium by bike

Information & services

All the information you need for your cycle tour in East Belgium.

Our cycling routes for memorable rides

Do you need more information about cycling in East Belgium or help in planning your next cycle tour or cycling holiday? If so, you're spot on here.

Below, you'll find suggestions for pre-planned cycling trips, including some without baggage. Let yourself be whisked away to some wonderful places in East Belgium on tours and loops that last several days. On the other hand, we'll be glad to plan your next cycling trip à la carte with you, too. Simply get in touch with us.

If you'd like to plan and embark your individual cycling tours, here's the right instrument: the digital cycle tour planner. Preparing your own cycle tour couldn't be easier, just choose a few junction nodes and your tour creates itself.

Feel free to go through our articles on bike rental stations and bicycle-friendly accommodation. A few clicks and your next holiday can begin.